12 oct 2017

#3 Missus! [MUNERA]

El editor sintió un gran alivio al comprobar que la multitud pedía el perdón de Maternus, y se lo concedió. Pensaba hacerlo igualmente, ya que el lanista propietario del gladiador era buen amigo suyo y no quería provocarle una pérdida. El público aplaudió la decisión y coreó el nombre de Habilis, vencedor del combate, mientras recibía la palma de la victoria.
The editor was greatly relieved to see the multitude asking for Maternus' pardon, and he granted it. He would have done it likewise, as the lanista owner of the gladiator was a good friend of his and did not want to cause him a loss. The crowd applauded the decision and chanted the name of Habilis, winner of the fight, whilst he receives the palm of victory.

Curiosamente, Habilis y Maternus volvieron a cruzarse en la arena al menos una vez más. El combate quedó inmortalizado en un pequeño mosaico, que nos informa de que Habilis fue de nuevo el vencedor del combate. Maternus, sin embargo, no corrió esta vez la misma suerte y no pudo sobrevivir al combate, no sabemos si a causa de las heridas o por la decisión del editor de los juegos.
Curiously, Habilis and Maternus crossed swords again in the arena at least once more. The combat was immortalized in a small mosaic, which informs us that Habilis was again the winner of the combat. Maternus, however, did not run the same fate this time and could not survive the fight, we do not know whether because of the wounds or the decision of the editor of the games.

La letra Phi al final del nombre anuncia la muerte del gladiador.
A Phi letter situated at the end of the name indicates tha the gladiator did not survive.

Fuente: Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid)

1 comentario:

  1. Came here from LAF where a friend of yours promoted this campaign. Great effort!
    Also a nice touch to see this linked to those mosaics with all their storytelling. If I got this right, the example here does indeed tell us that Symmachius (the editor), following the appeal of the crowd (shouting "We see (a great fight)!" and "Symmachius, lucky chap!"), orders the helmetless Habilis to finish Maternus by saying "I kill". Gruesome stuff, interesting nonetheless.
