El dibujo representa a Ii Naotaka dirigiendo la carga de los diablos rojos contra Kimura Shigenari en la batalla de Wakae (1615).
Los ashigaru con teppo están listos. Esta tarde daré los últimos retoques a la base y si aún queda luz sacaré unas fotos.
The picture represents li Naotaka leading the 'red devils' in a charge against Kimura Shigenari at the battle of Wakae (1615).
Ashigaru with teppo units are ready. This afternoon I´ll give the finishing details to the bases and take some photos if there is still enough light.
Nos vemos!
This is a toughie
ResponderEliminarI think this symbol is known as a "Marunisangi" or "Counting Rod" but I can't see it appear in the usual places.
What's the origin/context of this picture?
The picture represents li Naotaka leading the 'red devils' in a charge against Kimura Shigenari at the battle of Wakae (1615).
ResponderEliminarIn te book Samurai Heroes 3 "The Ii" (By Martin Jones), This sashimono isn't identified, but it seems that it was a Ii Naotaka's retainer... I have an other book on family crest, i will look inside...
De momento no me suena, dejame mirar en los libros que tengo haber si encuentro alguna referencia sobre ese mon.
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No further information to add to this I'm afraid, except that the screen is located in the Hikone Castle Museum (Ii Clan seat)
ResponderEliminarI wonder if e-mailing Stephen Turnbull might work...
Lo siento no he podido encontrar ninguna informacion referente a ese mon. ¿Has probado a preguntar en los foros de samurai archives? Hay gente en esos foros que controla bastante.
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Gracias por el esfuerzo Rokurota. En samurai archives evalerio ha actualizado la galería de heráldica y aparece este sashimono, pero sin nombre...