Finally I could get some time to write an AAR for the Impetus Navalis game we played last week. Here it is.
Despliegue / Deployment
- Escuadrón A: Hexere (Tauropole) y dos pentere (Thera y Kentaura).
- Escuadrón B: Dos hemiolas (Kastor y Polux).
- Escuadrón A: Un triere selecto (Salaminia) y tres rápidos (Aura, Kallisto y Herakles).
- Escuadrón B: Tres bierei (Lykaina, Dorkas y Leaina).
Roman fleet (commanded by Eladio) have two squadrons.- A squadron: Hexere (Tauropole) and two pentere (Thera y Kentaura).
- B squadron: Two hemiola (Kastor and Polux).
- A squadron: One select triere (Salaminia) and three fast (Aura, Kallisto and Herakles).
- B squadron: Three bierei (Lykaina, Dorkas and Leaina).
En el primer turno no ocurrió nada relevante, simplemente ambos bandos realizaron sus maniobras. Las naves pequeñas pueden explorar y desplegar 20cm más adelantadas que el resto de naves, pero sólo los piratas decidieron usar esta regla.
In the first turn didn´t occur nothing relevant, both sides just made their moves. Small ships can explore and deploy 20cm closer than the other ships, but only the pirates decided to use this rule.------------
Kastor´s rowers were exhausted after moving at speed 3. It did not have a big effect on the battle ... but it is the first time using status markers in a game :-)
Fin del turno 1 / End of turn 1
La Lykaina se arriesgó con una embestida frontal sobre Polux. El resultado fue una colisión que dejó trabadas a ambas naves sin poder abordarse.
Lykaina dared with a frontal ram on Pollux. The result was a collision that left both ships locked without any chance of boarding.El capitán de la Leaina fue más intrépido y realizó un barrido de remos sobre la Kastor, hiriendo a multitud de remeros.
Leaina´s captain was more intrepid and make an oars rake on Kastor, wounding many rowers.------------
However, on the other side Tauropole was waiting, and opened fire with all her artillery. It didn´t caused many casualties, but confusion on deck.------------
Taking the opportunity, Dorkas rammed Kastor to the side, getting to sink it definitively . However, his side was also exposed to Tauropole...---------------
... and the hexere´s ram was too much for the small biere.------------
Kentaura approached Leaina and grappled it to conduct a boarding. However, the crew of the biere defended well and boarding was a draw.
Fin del turno 2 / End of turn 2
Las triereis avanzaron para flanquear a las pesadas naves romanas. Era su única opción ya que una embestida frontal o un abordaje sería un suicidio. La situación de las bieres no era buena. La Lykaina seguía enganchada con la Polux, y la tripulación de la Leaina resistía a duras penas el abordaje de la Kentaura.
The triereis moved to flank the heavy Roman ships. It was their only option, as a boarding or a frontal ram would be suicide. The situation of the biereis wasn´t good. Lykaina was still locked with Polux, and the crew of the Leaina barely resisted the boarding of Kentaura.------------
The Roman ships opened fire on triereis with incendiary projectiles, and Tauropole managed to set fire to the Aura!------------
The battle looks bad for the pirates, and only if they manage to sink a heavy ship with a ram in the next turn could change the tide of the battle.Fin del turno 3 / End of turn 3
El turno no comienza bien para los piratas... La Leaina sucumbe al abordaje de la Kentaura, aunque era algo que ya se esperaba, y es capturada. Cerca de allí, la hemiola romana logra destrabarse e intenta huir, pero la Lykaina la alcanza y la embiste lateralmente. La tirada del la embestida no puede ser mas alta (doble 6) y la Polux se hunde. Sin embargo, obtener un doble quiere decir que las naves quedan enganchadas, y la Lykaina se hunde junto con su presa.
The turn doesn´t start well for the pirates ... Leaina succumbs to Kentaura boarding, though it was something that was expected, and was captured. Nearby, the Roman hemiola achieves to unlock and tries to escape, but Lykaina reaches her and rams to the side. The raming roll can not be higher (double 6) and Pollux sinks. However, getting a double means that the ships are locked, and Lykaina sinks along with her prey.
The extremely fast and maneuverable Salaminia gets to ram the stern of the Thera, but the Roman pentere is well reinforced and is only damaged. The crew of the triere manages to avoid the boarding rejecting Kentaura´s hooks.------------
Kallisto rams Tauropole but gets the same result, just damaged. To make matters worse the hexere gets the grapple it. The crew of the triere barely resists the first boarding round against the far superior hexere.---------------
To complicate matters further, the burning vessel (Aura) clashes with Kallisto. The shock causes no damage and the fire does not extend... fortunately. The last triere, the Herakles, try a desperate frontal attack, but all it accomplishes is damaging herself.------------
Tauropole grapple Herakles and as a result of a new boarding phase, despite sharing out the dice between two enemies, the romans capture Kallisto, but this time they decided to sink the ship.La batalla está perdida para los piratas. Han perdido cuatro naves y sólo han conseguido hundir dos naves romanas de exploración. Al finalizar el turno 4 las tres triereis que quedan emprenden la huida. Para los romanos ha sido una gran victoria, pues han perdido dos hemiola pero han capturado un biere. Pasará un tiempo hasta que vuelvan a saber de los piratas!
The battle is lost for the pirates. They have lost four ships and have only managed to sink two roman exploration vessels. At the end of turn 4, the three remaining triereis flee. For the Romans it was a great victory, as they have lost just two hemiola, but captured a biere. Will be a while until they hear from the pirates again!
Final de la batalla (turno 4) / End of the battle (turn 4)
Bueno, primer informe de batalla con las (casi) definitivas reglas para Impetus Navalis. Tanto Eladio como yo creemos que han funcionado muy bien y que es sólo cuestión de pulir algunos detalles. Espero terminar dentro de poco el documento del Basic Impetus Navalis y subirlo al foro de Impetus para que más gente pueda probarlo. Hasta entonces, espero que os haya picado la curiosidad... ;-)
Well, first battle report with the (almost) definitive rules for Impetus Navalis. Both Eladio and I believe that they have worked very well and is just a matter of polishing some details. Soon I hope to finish the document for Basic Impetus Navalis rules and upload it to Impetus forum so more people can test them. Until then, I hope I have piqued your curiosity ... ;-)Nos vemos!
ResponderEliminarWhat was the size of the playing surface?
ResponderEliminarThe "playing surface" is my coffee table: 120x77cm
Very good report,beautiful models and those extras are great especially the projectiles.