Hace poco Mantic publicó las reglas "Alpha" para el juego de mazmorras que va a crear (ahora mismo en Kickstarter). Con mis medios, he adaptado el primer escenario de las reglas para poder probarlas.
Mantic has recently published the "Alpha" rules for the dungeon game that they will create (now on Kickstarter). With my means, I´ve adapted the first mision of the rules to try them.
Mantic has recently published the "Alpha" rules for the dungeon game that they will create (now on Kickstarter). With my means, I´ve adapted the first mision of the rules to try them.
El bárbaro y el enano deben encontrar la llave (en la habitación pequeña) para poder abrirla puerta y escapar a la superficie. El nigromante dispone de 4 esqueletos y cuatro marcadores de "pila de
huesos" (papelitos blancos), que pueden convertirse en nuevos esqueletos
durante la partida.
The barbarian and the dwarf must find the key (in the small room) to open door and escape to the surface. The necromancer has 4 skeletons and four "bone pile" markers (white little pieces of paper), which can become new skeletons during the game.
El turno de los héroes es sencillo. Pueden mover y realizar una acción (¡combatir!).
Heroes turn is easy. They can move andd perform an action (fight!)
Heroes turn is easy. They can move andd perform an action (fight!)
- ¡Let´s split!
- Of course, that´s always a good idea!
En este escenario el nigromante puede activar dos figuras cada turno (también puede elegir no activar una figura y sustituir una pila de huesos por un nuevo esqueleto). Dispone sin embargo de unas cartas especiales con las que puede conseguir beneficios extras. Hay doce cartas en total (no puede usar más), comienza la partida con 3 y roba una cada turno. Estas cartas le permitirán realizar activaciones extras, levantar esqueletos o interrumpir el turno de los héroes.
In this scenario the necromancer can activate two figures each turn (you can also choose not to activate a figure and replace a pile of bones with a new skeleton). There is however a few special cards with wich you can get extra benefits. There are twelve cards in total (can not use more), necromancer starts the game with three and draws a new one every turn. These cards allow you to make extra activations, raise skeletons or interrupt the turn of the heroes.
In this scenario the necromancer can activate two figures each turn (you can also choose not to activate a figure and replace a pile of bones with a new skeleton). There is however a few special cards with wich you can get extra benefits. There are twelve cards in total (can not use more), necromancer starts the game with three and draws a new one every turn. These cards allow you to make extra activations, raise skeletons or interrupt the turn of the heroes.
El combate es bastante sencillo. Cada figura lanza un número de dados indicado en su perfil (Bárbaro: 4, esqueleto: 2). Estos dados se reducen si se dan las siguientes circunstancias: superado en número, herido (excepto el bárbaro) y atacado por detrás.
Combat is pretty straightforward. Each figure rolls a number of dice indicated in your profile (Barbarian: 4, skeleton: 2). These dice are reduced if the following circumstances: outnumbered, injured (except barbarian) and attacked from behind.
Combat is pretty straightforward. Each figure rolls a number of dice indicated in your profile (Barbarian: 4, skeleton: 2). These dice are reduced if the following circumstances: outnumbered, injured (except barbarian) and attacked from behind.
In this combat the barbarian will rol three dice (he loses one die due to be outnumbered)
El atacante debe fijarse en el valor de armadura del defensor (esqueleto: 2). Cualquier dado que no supere ese valor se retira. Los dados que quedan se ordenan de mayor a menor y se comparan, en orden con los del defensor. Si un dado supera al del defensor se consigue un impacto.
Ejemplo de tirada
Atacante: 5 4 3 2
Defensor: 4 3
El "2" no sirve porque no supera la armadura. Ahora comparamos los dados:
- 5 Vs 4: Impacto
- 4 Vs 3: Impacto
- 3 Vs Nada: Impacto
¡El bárbaro ha conseguido 3 impactos!
The attacker must look the armor value of the defender (Skeleton: 2). Any dice that does not exceed that value is removed. The remaining dice are ordered from highest to lowest and compared in order with the defender ones. If an attack dice exceeds the defence dice a hit is achieved.
Example roll
Attacker: 5 4 3 2
Defender 4 3
The "2"result is discarded because it does not exceed the armor value. Now compare dice:
- 5 Vs 4: Hit
- 4 Vs 3: Hit
- 3 Vs Nothing: Hit
The barbarian has managed 3 hits!
The attacker must look the armor value of the defender (Skeleton: 2). Any dice that does not exceed that value is removed. The remaining dice are ordered from highest to lowest and compared in order with the defender ones. If an attack dice exceeds the defence dice a hit is achieved.
Example roll
Attacker: 5 4 3 2
Defender 4 3
The "2"result is discarded because it does not exceed the armor value. Now compare dice:
- 5 Vs 4: Hit
- 4 Vs 3: Hit
- 3 Vs Nothing: Hit
The barbarian has managed 3 hits!
- Help! I need somebody... Help!
El efecto de los impactos es distinto en los héroes que en el resto de monstruos. Un héroe que es impactado (da igual cuántos impactos sean) sufre una herida. Si el héroe recibe cinco heridas queda fuera de combate. Cada monstruo tiene una tabla de impactos propia. En el caso de los esqueletos no les ocurre nada si reciben un impacto, se convierten en pila de huesos si reciben dos y son destruidos si reciben tres o más impactos.
The effect of hits is different on the heroes than on the rest of the monsters. A hero that is hit (no matter how many hits they are) gets a wound (only one). If the hero gets five wounds he is knocked out. Each monster has a table for their own hits. Skeletons are unaffected if they receive one hit, becomes pile of bones when receiving two hits and are destroyed when receiving three or more hits.
The effect of hits is different on the heroes than on the rest of the monsters. A hero that is hit (no matter how many hits they are) gets a wound (only one). If the hero gets five wounds he is knocked out. Each monster has a table for their own hits. Skeletons are unaffected if they receive one hit, becomes pile of bones when receiving two hits and are destroyed when receiving three or more hits.
El uso de las cartas le da un toque táctico muy interesante para el jugador nigromante.
The cards give a very interesing tactical touch for the necromancer player.
The cards give a very interesing tactical touch for the necromancer player.
La partida fue mucho más dificil de lo que esperaba. Las pilas de hueso son un dolor de cabeza...
The game was much harder than I expected. Piles of bones are a headache...
The game was much harder than I expected. Piles of bones are a headache...
Muy importante no dejarse rodear ni atacar por la retaguardia.
Very important not to get surrounded or attacked from the rear.
Very important not to get surrounded or attacked from the rear.
Cuando se crea un esqueleto adyacente a un héroeéste recibe un ataque extra sobre la figura. Durante la partida ese ataque me ha salvado en más de una ocasión...
When a skeleton is raised adjacent to a hero, the hero receives an extra attack on it. During the game, this attack has saved me on more than one occasion...
When a skeleton is raised adjacent to a hero, the hero receives an extra attack on it. During the game, this attack has saved me on more than one occasion...
Tras ocho largos y tensos turnos de combates, sufrir una herida el bárbaro y cuatro (por los pelos!) el enano, nuestros héroes consiguen acabar con todos los enemigos, encontrar la llave y huir de la mazmorra.
After eight long and tense turns of fighting, the barbarian suffering a wound and the dwarf four wounds (almost!), our heroes managed to kill all the enemies, find the key and escape the dungeon.
After eight long and tense turns of fighting, the barbarian suffering a wound and the dwarf four wounds (almost!), our heroes managed to kill all the enemies, find the key and escape the dungeon.
Conclusiones: MOLA
Vale, esto es una versión alfa (ni siquiera beta), pero veo muy buenas ideas por aquí y si se desarrollan adecuadamente en la versión final (donde dicen que incluso habrá reglas para partidas en solitario) puede salir un juego muy divertido.
Seguiremos probando y atentos a lo que nos cuente Mantic. Y necesito hacer pilas de huesos...
Opinion: I LIKE ITOkay, this is an alpha (not even beta) version, but I see some very good ideas here and if properly developed in the final version (which it´s said that will include rules for solo play) can end in a very fun game.
I´ll continue testing and looking forward to Mantic news. And I need to make piles of bones ...
Nos vemos!
Pues vaya, qué interesante, muy buena pinta, tendré que probarlo.
ResponderEliminarEs una lástima que no haya aún sistema de juego en solitario, más allá de la bipolaridad del jugador, estaré atento a los avances.
Felicidades por el dungeon y las miniaturas
A ver, se nota que no está completo el reglamento... pero hay que darle una oportunidad! :-)
EliminarGreat looking terrain; quite an interesting concept on the layout too.