6 may 2011

Fight for the Pons

He terminado las reglas para el escenario "Lucha por el puente". He jugado unas cuantas partidas y los resultados han sido muy variados así que no creo que haya algún gladiador que salga especialmente favorecido. También he terminado de pintar la plataforma, aunque me he dado cuenta de que me ha quedado un poco pequeña para las bases que yo uso.
I´ve finished the rules for the "Fight for the bridge" scenario. I´ve played a few games and the results have been varied so I don't think there is any gladiator who comes out particularly favored. I've also finished painting the pons, but I have realized that it´s a little small for the bases I use.

Botón derecho sobre la imagen y "Guardar enlace como" para descargar la reglas del escenario.

Right-click over the image and "Save link as" to download the rules for this scenario.

Y os dejo con un par de fotos más.
And I left you with a couple of pictures.

Nos vemos!

4 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for the download, it looks like it could be a lot of fun!!

  2. Downloaded, thanks but I know Ray never has any fun.

  3. This is quite excellent! Haven't seen it gamed before & to see rules for it is marvelous. This is similar to what was in the gladiatorial scenes in "Barabbas." Regards, Dean
