He diseñado nuevas fichas para la segunda edición de "Red Sand Blue Sky: Heroes of the Arena", ya que las que hice para la versión anterior ya no sirven.
Podéis ver una ficha en blanco y dos ejemplos de ficha completa (retiarius y secutor). Poco a poco iré haciendo fichas para todos los tipos de gladiadores y animales, pero me vendrían bien vuestros consejos e ideas. ¿Qué opináis, falta o sobra algo?
I´ve designed new sheets for "Red Sand Blue Sky: Heroes of the Arena" second edition rules, as the ones I did for the previous version can´t be used now.
Here you can see a blank sheet and two examples of full record (retiarius and secutor). Little by little, I'll make sheets for all gladiators types and animals, but I could use your advice and ideas. Do you think something is missing or left over?
Nos vemos!
25 may 2011
19 may 2011
Eques (mounted) - second model
17 may 2011
Eques (unmounted) - second model
Eques, plural Equites
No estoy muy seguro del resultado final... pero quería terminarlo ya. Lo que menos me convence es el escudo, que lleva escrito el nombre del eques (Habilis), pero no se me ocurrían otros diseños.
I'm not pretty sure about the final look... but I wanted to finish it already. What convinces me less is the shield, which has the name of the eques inscribed on it (Habilis), but I couldn´t think of other designs.Y ahora, a seguir con la versión a caballo!
And now, go on with the horseback version!
Nos vemos!
14 may 2011
11 may 2011
Chimera (WIP)
Llevaba mucho tiempo buscando esta figura y al final la he encontrado :-)
Aunque no juego a Confrontation desde que desapareció, esta es una de esas figuras que quería comprarme sólo por el placer de pintarla.
I had been looking for this figure for a long time and finally I´ve found it :-) I haven't play Confrontation since it disappeared, but this is one of those figures I wanted to buy just for the pleasure of painting it.
Probablemente la coloque sobre una base de Impetus. Si algún día me apetece (y tengo tiempo) podré jugar a Impetus Fantasticus. Si no, simplemente quedará bonita en la vitrina.
Probably I´ll place it on an Impetus base. If someday I feel like (and have time), I can play Impetus fantasticus. If not, it will just look pretty nice in the showcase.
Nos vemos!
Aunque no juego a Confrontation desde que desapareció, esta es una de esas figuras que quería comprarme sólo por el placer de pintarla.
I had been looking for this figure for a long time and finally I´ve found it :-) I haven't play Confrontation since it disappeared, but this is one of those figures I wanted to buy just for the pleasure of painting it.
Probablemente la coloque sobre una base de Impetus. Si algún día me apetece (y tengo tiempo) podré jugar a Impetus Fantasticus. Si no, simplemente quedará bonita en la vitrina.
Probably I´ll place it on an Impetus base. If someday I feel like (and have time), I can play Impetus fantasticus. If not, it will just look pretty nice in the showcase.
Nos vemos!
6 may 2011
Fight for the Pons
He terminado las reglas para el escenario "Lucha por el puente". He jugado unas cuantas partidas y los resultados han sido muy variados así que no creo que haya algún gladiador que salga especialmente favorecido. También he terminado de pintar la plataforma, aunque me he dado cuenta de que me ha quedado un poco pequeña para las bases que yo uso.
I´ve finished the rules for the "Fight for the bridge" scenario. I´ve played a few games and the results have been varied so I don't think there is any gladiator who comes out particularly favored. I've also finished painting the pons, but I have realized that it´s a little small for the bases I use.Y os dejo con un par de fotos más.
And I left you with a couple of pictures.
Nos vemos!
3 may 2011
Eques (unmounted)
Eques, plural Equites
El eques era considerado un gladiador de tipo ligero. Estaba equipado con una manica tradicional (aunque en este modelo de Crusader es de metal) y yelmo cerrado. En las piernas usaba polainas o vendajes. De acuerdo a las numerosas representaciones que nos han llegado, los combates entre equites acababan a pie, donde el eques abandonaba la lanza y combatía con espada y escudo.
The eques was considered a ligth gladiator. He was equipped with a traditional manica (although this Crusader model, has a metal one) and closed helmet. In the legs they wore leggings or bandages. According to the many representations that have survived, fighting between equites ended on foot, where the eques left the spear and fought with sword and shield.El próximo eques llevará una túnica verde.
The next eques will wore a green tunic.Nos vemos!
2 may 2011
Stylish blogger Award!
Many thanks to Javier at War, Mini Ship Gaming and Land War in Asia for their nominations for a Stylish Blogger Award!
Now I have to:
1.- Thank and link back to the person giving you the award.
2.- Share seven things about yourself.
- I was sef-introduced into this hobby.
- The first mini I painted was a bretonian Grail Knight.
- I think the best part of this hobby is to seek information and organize a new project (probably this is why I have started too many...).
- Lately I'm becoming a painter instead of player...
- I found assembling miniatures and making conversions as an absolutely relaxing activity.
- I´m married and my wife beat me on a "How freak you are?" test.
- Almost 2 months ago I had a son. He´s the best thing I´ve done and I´m very proud of him. Hope I could share this hobby with him in a future :)
- Carmen´s fun painty time. Awesome 54mm miniatures. I specially like gladiators and cavemen.
- Javier at War. Already nominated but I love his 10mm miniatures and campaings.
- Small Scale Operations. Fantastic 20mm modern conversions.
- BigRedBatCave. He has probably the best roman army I´ve ever seen.
- Crónicas del Señor de la Guerra. Very nice samurai paint work on this blog.
- La Choza del Gran Maorí. Interesting conversions and scratchbuilt with amazing materials.
- Olicanalad's Games. His ancient galleys were my inspiration.
- WARGAMING THE AGE OF WARS or 1066 CAMPAIGN. I would like him to continue with his samurais... ;-)
- GEEK TACTICA. Very inspirational Impetus armies and battle reports.
- WAB CORNER. I have followed with enthusiasm the progress of his seleucid army.
- Another Slight Diversion. Cause we all have a lot of slight diversions...
- El Soldado Tranquilo. My samurai opponent! He also has some very nice 20mm Impetus armies.
I´ll do my best!
Nos vemos!
1 may 2011
Eques (mounted)
Eques, plural Equites
Si estaban incluidos en el progama, una pareja de equites montados en caballos blancos iniciaban los combates de gladiadores. Vestían amplias túnicas de colores y portaban llamativos escudos para ser fácilmente reconocidos por el público. Tras unos cuantos lances, lo más frecuente es que el combate continuase a pie.
If they were included in the program, a couple of equites, riding white horses, opened the gladiator combats. They wore large colored robes and carry striking shields to be easily recognized by the public. After a few attacks, the battle usually continued on foot.Este eques lleva dibujado en su escudo el número de combates en los que ha salido victorioso.
This eques has paint on his shield the number of combats he has won.Ahora me queda terminar la versión desmontada.
Now I have to finish the unmounted version.Nos vemos!
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