24 feb 2011


También conocido como contraretiarius, ya que su principal oponente era el retiarius, el secutos (pl. secutores) posee un yelmo muy distintivo. Sólo tenía un par de agugeros pequeños para los ojos, con el objetivo de prevenir que el tridente del retiario pudierale clavársele en la cara, y una cresta redondeada donde no podía engancharse la red.

El secutor iba equipado con un cinturón ancho (como muchos otros gladiadores) y una manica en el brazo derecho (el brazo de la espada). También portaba una ocrea en su pierna izquierda y un scutum grande.

La miniatura es del blister ANG002 - Secutores & Scissor (Crusader Miniatures).

Also known as contraretiarius, as his usual opponent was the retiarius, the secutor (pl. secutores) has a very distinctive helmet. It had only two small eye-holes, in order to prevent a retiarius's trident from being thrust through the face, as well as a rounded top, so as not to get caught in a net.

The secutor wore a wide belt (as many other gladiators) and a manica on his right arm (sword arm). He also wore a small ocrea on his left leg and a large scutum.

Model from the blister ANG002 - Secutores & Scissor (Crusader Miniatures).

Nos vemos!

4 comentarios:

  1. Very nice paintwork, he look a bit of a brute!

  2. I love your style painting these gladiators. They look very realistic and historically correct. Can't wait for more!


  3. I like this guy & you've done a great job making him look most intimidating. Dean
