17 ene 2011

RSBS Gladiator Sheets

He creado unas hojas de referencia para apuntar la información de los gladiadores (heridas, AC, dados, etc.) durante las partidas de Red Sand Blue Skyes. Voy a hacer una hoja para cada uno de mis gladiadores, pero también he creado una en blanco que podéis modificar a vuestro antojo.
I´ve created a reference sheet to record information of the gladiators (wounds, AC, dice, etc.) during the games of Red Sand Blue Skyes. I'll make a sheet for each one of my gladiators, but I've also created a blank one that you can modify to your whim.

Blank Gladiator Sheet

Pinchad con el botón derecho sobre la imagen y elegid "Guardar Como".
Espero que os gusten y que os resulten útiles.
Right-clicking on the image and choose "Save As".
Hope you like and find them usefull.

Nos vemos!

4 comentarios:

  1. Wow! That is cool & thanks for sharing it. I haven't the rules yet, but this is surely something to make me want to try it out. Regards, Dean

  2. Hi Dean!
    Red Sand Blue Sky rules are highly recommended, you can even play solo games. I´m working on a mod for venationes (animal fighting).

  3. These are excellent! Thank you for creating them. I will definitely use these.


    Patrick Lewis (RSBS co-designer & developer)

  4. Hi Patrick! I´m glad you like them. Please, feel free to give any sugestion.
