Empiezo con este pentere de Xyston. Al montarlo me pareció que la cubierta quedaba demasiado pequeña, sobre todo comparado con los trieres. Así que con un poco de plasticard he creado una cubierta más grande y creo que he mejorado el aspecto de nave pesada. ¿Qué opináis? En breve podréis verla pintada.
Back to normality... And back to blog updates with some of the things I've done over the summer.
I begin with this Xyston pentere. After assembling it, I realize that the deck was too small, particularly compared to a triere. So with a piece of plasticard I have created a larger deck and I think I improved the appearance of heavy ship. What do you think? Soon you will see it painted.
Nos vemos!
Very nice. Do you have a pic with the original deck for comparison?
ResponderEliminarNope... But I´ll make some pics to the other pentere I have.