Y por fin, aquí está el informe de batalla. Echamos a suertes los bandos y el resultado fue que Javier se puso al mando del Kingfisher (y la serpiente marina) y yo de los Ralgard.
La partida comienza determinando la dirección del viento, poco favorable para los Ralgard. Después se despliegan los escuadrones alternativamente. Como estábamos jugando con pocas naves los cruceros actuaron individualmente, no en escuadrones.
Part 1 Part 2
And finally, here is the battle report. Drew lots for sides and the result was that Javier took command of the Kingfisher (and the sea serpent) and I did of the Ralgards.
The game starts by determining the wind direction, that was unfavorable to the Ralgard fleet. After that, squads are deployed alternately. As we were playing with few ships, cruises acted individually, not in escuadrons.
La serpiente marina (reglas de Crocidon) era sin duda el enemigo más peligroso. La parte mala para Javier es que no puede controlar su movimiento, siempre se dirige/ataca a la figura más cercana. La parte buena para Javier es que puede desplegarla en los laterales de la mesa, así que desplegó la serpiente muy cerquita de mis barcos... demasiado cerca.
The sea snake (Crocidon rules) was definitely the most dangerous enemy. The bad part is that Javier can not control his movement, it always moves to/attacks the nearest figure. The good part for Javier is that he can deploy it on the sides of the table, and so the snake was deployed very close to my ships... too close.
The sea snake (Crocidon rules) was definitely the most dangerous enemy. The bad part is that Javier can not control his movement, it always moves to/attacks the nearest figure. The good part for Javier is that he can deploy it on the sides of the table, and so the snake was deployed very close to my ships... too close.
Turn 1
La serpiente marina enfiló hacia los barcos Ralgard y arrojo su fétido vómito sobre el crucero más cercano, provocando un punto de daño y una baja en la tripulación. Los Ralgard dispararon como respuesta, pero se bloquearon las líneas de visión unos a otros y no consiguieron causar puntos de daño. Con un viento tan desfavorable, iba a ser muy difícil poder evitar una embestida de la criatura en el próximo turno...
The sea serpent headed for the Ralgard ships and threw his foul vomit to the nearest cruiser, causing one hull and crew point. The Ralgard fired in response, but the ships blocked their line of sight lines each other and failed to cause any damage. With such an unfavorable wind, it would be very difficult to avoid the onslaught of the creature on the next turn...
The sea serpent headed for the Ralgard ships and threw his foul vomit to the nearest cruiser, causing one hull and crew point. The Ralgard fired in response, but the ships blocked their line of sight lines each other and failed to cause any damage. With such an unfavorable wind, it would be very difficult to avoid the onslaught of the creature on the next turn...
Turn 2
Y así fue. La tremenda embestida dejó al crucero clase Kalor con tan solo un punto de estructura y un incendio en cubierta.
And so it was. The tremendous onslaught left the Kalor class cruiser with just one hull point left and a fire on the deck.
And so it was. The tremendous onslaught left the Kalor class cruiser with just one hull point left and a fire on the deck.
En la fase de abordaje la serpiente marina engulló y despedazó a la tripulación Ralgard, quedando la nave a la deriva. A lo lejos, se oyeron los gritos y aplausos de los marineros del Pez Espada.
In the boarding phase, the sea serpent swallows and tore apart the Ralgard crew, leaving the ship adrift. The shouts and applause of the Swordfish sailors were heard in the distance
In the boarding phase, the sea serpent swallows and tore apart the Ralgard crew, leaving the ship adrift. The shouts and applause of the Swordfish sailors were heard in the distance
El globo de observación avanzó para poder enviar información al Pez Espada, pero fue abatido por una de las fragatas.
The observation balloon moved forward to send information to the Swordfish, but was shooted down by one of the frigates.
The observation balloon moved forward to send information to the Swordfish, but was shooted down by one of the frigates.
La segunda fragata disparó contra la serpiente, pero no causó ningún daño. El crucero pesado continuó su dificultoso avance, ya que este turno había cambiado la dirección del viento y ahora navegaba con la proa al viento.
The second frigate fired at the snake, but couldn´t do any harm. The heavy cruiser continued it progress difficulty, cause this turn the wind changed it´s direction and now the ship was sailing head to wind.
The second frigate fired at the snake, but couldn´t do any harm. The heavy cruiser continued it progress difficulty, cause this turn the wind changed it´s direction and now the ship was sailing head to wind.
Turn 3
La serpiente marina cargó esta vez sobre una de las fragatas. Aunque el impacto no resultó tan fuerte como el anterior, la tripulación fue igualmente aniquilada, aunque vendieron cara su vida.
The sea serpent rammed this time one of the frigates. Although the impact was not as strong as before, the crew was also destroyed, though they sold their lives dearly.
The sea serpent rammed this time one of the frigates. Although the impact was not as strong as before, the crew was also destroyed, though they sold their lives dearly.
El Pez Espada logró arponear a la segunda fragata. Como quien recoge el sedal con una caña de pescar, la fragata fue arrastrada hacia el crucero imperial.
El crucero pesado clase Raknarl disparó con todos sus cañones de estribor al Pez Espada, causando dos daños de estructura y una avería en el timón. Con los cañones de babor disparó a la serpiente, pero provocó poco daño.
The Swordfish was able to harpoon the second frigate. As one who picks up the line with a fishing rod, the frigate was dragged towards the imperial cruise.
The Raknarl class heavy cruiser fired all their starboard cannons to the Swordfish, doing two hull damages and damaging the rudder. With port guns it fired the snake, but caused little damage.
The Swordfish was able to harpoon the second frigate. As one who picks up the line with a fishing rod, the frigate was dragged towards the imperial cruise.
The Raknarl class heavy cruiser fired all their starboard cannons to the Swordfish, doing two hull damages and damaging the rudder. With port guns it fired the snake, but caused little damage.
Turn 4
El monstruo marino arremetió contra el Raknarl con un brutal impacto que estuvo a punto de hundir al crucero pesado (sólo le quedó un punto de estructura). A pesar de la violenta embestida, la entrenada tripulación se las arregló para sorprender a la serpiente marina (usé la carta de acción ¡Emboscada!) y acabar con ella.
The sea monster attacked the Raknarl with a brutal impact that nearly sunk the heavy cruiser (it was left with only one hull point). Despite the violent ram, the trained crew managed to surprise the sea serpent (I used the action card Ambush!) and end it.
El Pez Espada arrastró a la fragata hasta ponerla en contacto e inició el abordaje, pasando a cuchillo a la tripulación, muy inferior en número.
The Swordfish dragged the frigate to contact and began a boarding, passing to the sword the highly outnumbered crew of the frigate
Turn 5
Con tan solo dos barcos operativos (aunque muy tocados) sobre la mesa, la partida se decidiría en este turno y la iniciativa sería fundamental. Lanzamos los dados y la iniciativa fue para los Ralgard. ¡Bien!
Lamentablemente no supe aprovechar la ventaja que me dio tener la inicativa... Lo lógico hubiese sido embestir, ya que el crucero clase Raknarl está equipado con un espolón que le da un poder destructivo tremendo, pero al tener el viento de proa (y debido a un error mío de interpretación de las reglas) creí que no llegaría a contactar. Decidí entonces cruzar la T y disparar con todo a corta distancia. Si conseguía hacer un crítico hundiría la nave.
No tuve en cuenta que los 3 puntos de daño restaban 3 dados de ataque, y resulta que cruzar la T por la proa no te da ningún bonus... Al final sólo conseguí causar un punto de daño. El Pez Espada continuaba a flote y era su turno...
With only two operating boats (albeit very damaged) on the table, the game would be decided at this turn and initiative phase would be essential. We throw the dice and the initiative was for the Ralgard. Hooray!
Unfortunately I did not take the advantage of having the iniciative ... The logic maneuvre would have been ramming, as the Raknarl class cruiser is equipped with a ram that gives a tremendous destructive power, but with headwind (and because to my misinterpretation of the rules) I thought I would not get into contact. So, I decided to cross the T and shoot all the cannons within short distance. If I could make a critical hit (2 hull points) I would sunk the ship.
I was not aware that 3 attack dice were subtracted because of the 3 hull damages of the Ralgard ship, and that crossing the T does not give any bonus when doing through the prow... Finally I only managed to do one hull point of damage. The Swordfish remained afloat, and now it was her turn ...
Javier superó la tirada para reparar el timón y repitió mi maniobra, cruzando la T por la popa.
Javier passed the check to repair the rudder and repeated my maneuver, crossing the T astern.
Y resulta que en el reglamento cruzar la T por la popa (stern rake) sí que da bonificadores al ataque... Aunque siendo sinceros hay que reconocer que no le hizo falta, la tirada fue impresonante. El Raknarl perdió el punto de estructura que le quedaba y se hundío en las profundidades...
Looking in the rules, it turns out that crossing the T by the stern (rake stern) does give bonuses to attack... But to be honest we must recognize that Javier did not need them, his roll was impressive. The Raknarl lost the last hull point and sank into the depths...
La tripulación del Pez Espada daba saltos y gritaba de júbilo mientras veía cómo se hundía poco a poco el crucero pesado Ralgard. Su siempre impasible capitán en esta ocasión se permitió una carcajada. La serpiente había sido cazada, habían capturado una fragata enemiga y el resto de la flota Ralgard había sido aniquilada. La historia de esta hazaña correrá de boca en boca por las tabernas y le lloverían las ofertas. Es cierto que el Pez Espada estaba dañado y había perdido bastantes hombres, pero le iba a sobrar el dinero para repararlo... y los funerales en alta mar siempre son económicos.
Muchas gracias a Javier por sus excelentes fotografías. Espero que podamos repetir en breve!
Muchas gracias a Javier por sus excelentes fotografías. Espero que podamos repetir en breve!
The Swordfish crew was jumping and screaming with joy as they watched how the Ralgard heavy cruiser sank slowly. Its always impassive captain this time allowed himself a laugh. The snake had been hunted, he had captured an enemy frigate and the rest of the Ralgard fleet was annihilated. The history of this feat would pass form mouth to mouth in the taverns and would rain tenders for his services. True, the Swordfish was damaged and had lost many men, but he would overrun the money needed to fix it ... and funerals at sea are always economic.
Javier, thank you very much for your great pictures. I hope we can repeat soon!
Nos vemos!