El pasado sábado pude jugar una partida de KoW con mi amigo Javier. Esta vez decidí ponerme al mando de los Hombres Bestia y cedí el mando de los bretonianos a Javier.
Last saturday I could play a KoW battle agains my friend Javier. This time I decided to command the Beastmen and left the bretonnian command to Javier.
Last saturday I could play a KoW battle agains my friend Javier. This time I decided to command the Beastmen and left the bretonnian command to Javier.
El ejército bretoniano es el mismo que en las últimas partidas, pero añadiendo una Hechicera en lugar del Héroe en pegaso y usando un General en lugar de un Héroe como comandante.
The bretonnian army is the same that the last games, but using a sorcerer instead the Hero on pegasus and a General instead the Hero as commander.
The bretonnian army is the same that the last games, but using a sorcerer instead the Hero on pegasus and a General instead the Hero as commander.
El ejército de Hombres bestia fue diferente al de la última vez, ya que quería probar las nuevas unidades. Usé dos regimientos de Gors (Ax) y uno de Bestigors (Greatax), una tropa de Minotauros (Ogres), un regimiento de Centigors (Fleabag riders), una tropa de Ogros Dragón (Molochs), un chamán (Wiz), un Minotauro de condenación (Krudger on chariot) y un Shaggoth (Gakamak the Smasher).
The beastmen army was different than the last one, as I want to try the new painted units. I used two Gor regiments (Ax) and one of Bestigors (Greatax), one troop of Minotaurs (Ogres), one Centigor regiment (Fleabag riders), one troop of Dragon ogres (Molochs), a Shaman (Wiz), one Doom Bull (Krudger on chariot) and a Shaggoth (Gakamak the Smasher).
The beastmen army was different than the last one, as I want to try the new painted units. I used two Gor regiments (Ax) and one of Bestigors (Greatax), one troop of Minotaurs (Ogres), one Centigor regiment (Fleabag riders), one troop of Dragon ogres (Molochs), a Shaman (Wiz), one Doom Bull (Krudger on chariot) and a Shaggoth (Gakamak the Smasher).
No recuerdo muy bien la partida, pero se decidió por la suerte en las tiradas. Los caballeros noveles no consiguieron hacer apenas daño a los minotauros. Abajo, en una arriesgada carga, los caballeros del reino consiguieron hacer cinco daños al Shaggoth, pero no acabaron con él.
Can´t remember very well the battle, but it was decided by the luck with the rolls. Knights errant can´t barely scratch the minos. Below, in a risky charge, the Knights of the Realm could do five damages to the Shaggoth, but was not enough to finish him.
Can´t remember very well the battle, but it was decided by the luck with the rolls. Knights errant can´t barely scratch the minos. Below, in a risky charge, the Knights of the Realm could do five damages to the Shaggoth, but was not enough to finish him.
Los jinetes de pegaso tampoco tuvieron buena suerte...
Pegasus Knights also did not have good luck...
Pegasus Knights also did not have good luck...
Las contracargas no se hicieron esperar.
Countercharges came swiftly.
Countercharges came swiftly.
En esta delicada situación los caballeros del reino se enfrentaban a 38 dados de ataque...
In this delicated situation the Knights of the Realm must mace 38 attack dice...
In this delicated situation the Knights of the Realm must mace 38 attack dice...
¡Y a pesar de sufrir 19 daños aguantaron la posición! (con un doble one en la tirada de nervios)
And despite suffering 19 damages they hold the position! (with a double one on the nerves roll)
And despite suffering 19 damages they hold the position! (with a double one on the nerves roll)
Lamentablemente, este heroico acto no sirvió de mucho y las malignas criaturas del Caos continuaron su avance.
Sadly, this heroic act was worthless and the malignant Chaos creatures continue their advance.
Sadly, this heroic act was worthless and the malignant Chaos creatures continue their advance.
Los combates se sucedieron en ambos flancos...
The combats continue on both flanks...
The combats continue on both flanks...
... hasta que sólo unos pocos sobrevivientes bretonianos quedaron en el campo de batalla: la doncella del Grial y la dotación del trebuchet.
... until just a few bretonnian survivors were left on the battlefield: the Grail Damsel and the trebuchet crew.
... until just a few bretonnian survivors were left on the battlefield: the Grail Damsel and the trebuchet crew.
El maligno Minotauro de Condenación clavó sus ojos en la máquina de guerra, dispuesto a tomarse un último tentempié con los cuerpos de los asustados campesinos bretonianos. Sus ansias de sangre fueron sin embargo frustradas por la damisela, que se interpuso en su camino y pese a resultar herida, logró ganar algo de tiempo para que huyesen los campesinos.
The vile Doom Bull stared into the war machine, willing to take a last snack with the bodies of the scared bretonnian peasants. His blood urge was frustrated by the Damsel, who got in his way and, despite being injured, managed to buy some time for the peasants to flee.
The vile Doom Bull stared into the war machine, willing to take a last snack with the bodies of the scared bretonnian peasants. His blood urge was frustrated by the Damsel, who got in his way and, despite being injured, managed to buy some time for the peasants to flee.
Llegado el momento, la doncella desapareció en medio de una niebla mística. Ahora era su deber regresar para informar de la derrota y que el duque tomase las medidas oportunas... pero estaba herida y sola en medio de un bosque infestado de criaturas del Caos.
When it comes the time, the Damsel disappeared into a mystical fog. Now it was his duty to report back the defeat and let the Duke to take the appropriate measures... but she was wounded and alone in a forest infested with Chaos creatures.
When it comes the time, the Damsel disappeared into a mystical fog. Now it was his duty to report back the defeat and let the Duke to take the appropriate measures... but she was wounded and alone in a forest infested with Chaos creatures.
Nos vemos!