El cazador se rascó la barbilla peluda. Desde la desafortunada muerte del resto de su partida de caza (¿quién podía imaginar que un diente de sable fuese capaz de oír un estornudo desde tan lejos?) la vida se había convertido en algo mucho más complicado. Se acercó a donde estaba su perro, acurrucado a su lado, y le rascó también la barbilla peluda. El Padre-Sol se sentó pesado en el horizonte, preparándose para su descenso en la noche mientras un pequeño grupo de caballos pasaban cerca de donde el cazador y su perro permanecían agazapados, ocultos en el matorral. El destino de la tribu descansaba sobre sus hombros. Él proveería para todos, si tan solo pudiera aguantar el próximo estornudo ...
The hunter scratched his hairy chin. Since the unfortunate death of the rest of his hunting party – who knew a sabre tooth could hear a sneeze from that far away? – life had become a lot trickier. He reached over to where is hound crouched beside him and scratched his hairy chin as well. The sun-father sat heavy on the horizon, preparing for his descent into the night as a small group of horses
passed close to where hunter and hound hunkered, hidden in the thicket. The fate of the tribe rested on his shoulders; he would provide for them all, if he could just hold back this next sneeze…
The hunter scratched his hairy chin. Since the unfortunate death of the rest of his hunting party – who knew a sabre tooth could hear a sneeze from that far away? – life had become a lot trickier. He reached over to where is hound crouched beside him and scratched his hairy chin as well. The sun-father sat heavy on the horizon, preparing for his descent into the night as a small group of horses
passed close to where hunter and hound hunkered, hidden in the thicket. The fate of the tribe rested on his shoulders; he would provide for them all, if he could just hold back this next sneeze…
Aquí tenemos al cazador (resfriado) y a su fiel compañero.
Here we have the hunter (with a cold) and his loyal companion.
Esta es la fauna del escenario. Tres grandes herbívoros (mamut, gliptodon y elasmoterio) y una manada de pequeños herbívoros (4 caballos).
This is the fauna for the scenario. Three giant grazers (mammoth, glyptodon, elasmotherium) and a herd of small grazers (4 horses).
Despliegue. Para alimentar a su tribu, el cazador debe reunir al menos 4 puntos de masa en 12 turnos o menos (cada herbívoro gigante son 4 puntos de masa, y cada caballo 2).
Deployment. In order to feed his tribe, the hunter must kill at least 4 bulk points in 12 turns or less (each giant grazer gives 4 bulk points and each horse 2).
El cazador elige los caballos como presa.
The hunter choose the horses as his preys.
El perro intenta rodearlos...
The hound try to surround them...
...pero los asusta y provoca una estampida.
...but scares them and triggers a stampede.
Sin embargo, el cazador consigue herir con su lanza a uno de los caballos.
However, the hunter manages to wound one horse with his spear.
Y el sabueso persigue a la presa herida.
And the hound pursues the wounded prey.
Sorprendentemente, uno de los caballos ataca al cazador (pero no consigue herirle).
Surprisingly, one of the horses attacks the hunter (but he doesn´t get hurt).
El perro ignora la orden de su amo y regresa para ayudarle...
The dog ignores his master's order and returns to help him...
...poniendo en fuga al caballo.
...making the horse run away.
Con los caballos tan dispersos, el cazador centra su atención en el gliptodon. Valientemente, envía primero a su perro para tantear a la bestia...
With the horses so scattered, the hunter focuses his attention on the glyptodon. Valiantly, he send his dog first to test the beast....
Pero la (aparentemente) apacible bestia aplasta al pobre perro de un solo golpe de cola!
But the (apparently) placid beast crushes the poor hound with a single blow of his tail!
El cazador traga saliva y decide retomar la idea original... y finalmente consigue abatir a uno de los caballos!
Quedan muy pocas horas de luz... pero si lograse rematar al caballo herido podría regresar a la aldea con la cabeza bien alta.
The hunter swallows and decides to resume the original idea... and finally manages to shoot down one of the horses!
There are very few hours of light left ... but if he managed to finish off the wounded horse he could return to the village with his head held high.
De camino hacia su presa, el cazador tiene un desafortunado encuentro con un agresivo mamut, afortunadamente sin consecuencias.
On the way to his prey, the hunter has an unfortunate encounter with an aggressive mammoth, fortunately without consequences.
Agazapado entre la hierba, el cazador tiene a su presa a tiro...
Hiddent in the thickets, the hunter has the prey within reach ...
...pero un inoportuno estornudo espanta al caballo!
...but an inopportune sneeze scares the horse!
Esta es la situación cuando comienza el último turno de la partida. Todavía hay esperanza... Si el cazador supera tres chequeos de acción podrá acercarse a la presa sin asustarla y atacarla (solo necesita herirla para acabar con ella. Lanzo los tres dado y...
This is the situation when the last turn of the game begins. There is still hope ... If the hunter gets three success on the activation roll he will be able to approach the prey without frightening it and then attack it (he only needs one wound to finish it). I roll the dices and ...
Dos fallos!! Con un gran estornudo el cazador pone fin a sus posibilidades de regresar con honor a la aldea...
Two failures!! With a great sneeze the hunter puts an end to his chances of returning with honor to the village...
...y además atrae la atención del mamut, que ha debido confundir el estornudo con una llamada de apareamiento. Apaleado y sin su fiel compañero, pero con algo de carne al hombro... el cazador regresa a la aldea.
... and also attracts the attention of the mammoth, which must have confused the sneeze with a mating call. Beaten and without his faithful companion, but with some meat on his shoulder... the hunter returns to the village.
... and also attracts the attention of the mammoth, which must have confused the sneeze with a mating call. Beaten and without his faithful companion, but with some meat on his shoulder... the hunter returns to the village.
Este escenario ha sido increíblemente divertido. Parecía muy fácil al principio... pero no. El próximo escenario que juegue será uno con depredadores... a ver cómo se las arreglan mis cavernícolas!
This scenario has been incredibly fun. It seemed very easy at first... but no. The next scenario I play will be one with predators... lets see how my cavemen get along!
Nos vemos!
What a period, what a splendid report with impressive figures...excellent!
ResponderEliminarDe lo más interesante en la blogsfera wargamer.
ResponderEliminarOriginal. Y unos modelos y una mesa envidiables.
jajajaja, todavía me estoy riendo, pobre cazador, me recordaba a Mr. Bean en varias acciones, jajajaja
ResponderEliminarMe ha gustado mucho más que el anterior.
¿Estás jugando en el modo solitario?
Jo, como molan...